
growing girl

We're loving our new digital SLR camera. Still getting the hang of it but the photos are just so much better than with our old camera ... mostly it's much easier to catch the kiddos in action. I'm hoping to take a class in a few weeks and learn more, but in the meantime, here are some of my recent faves.

She loves her mobile.

All smiles! (If only this was always the case...)

One of my favorite recent pics of Finn for good measure.


Mom of AOCG said...

Her face is like a porcelain doll in that first photo! I so wish I could hold her! (And handsome Finn too!) xo

Penelope said...

I'm loving your new slr too!

tisha_ts said...

The first one is just so pretty.

Ann P said...

c'mon, she's all smiles all the time! i think she's a keeper, nicolette! isn't the slr great? don't stress about not really knowing it yet, i've had mine for 2years, have yet to take a course and am still most of the time in AUTO mode. and it works just fine!