
what a week

With Nana in the hospital, Papa and Mimi were kind enough to take Finn to their house (aka little boy paradise) for a few days last week. Busy busy!

Collecting sticks is a breeze with his new yellow wheelbarrow
(pronunciation: WHEEEEEEL-barrow!)

Time for a break!

Tess was telling her Great Uncle Bob how quiet it was at home without Finn
(quiet but also boring!)

Thanks for all of the concern about Mom. She is still in the hospital, but her blood sugar levels and overall blood work was much better this morning. The doctor still has her on antibiotics and insulin, and the physical therapist said she's getting stronger every day. I asked them to help her with stairs today since she'll have to start getting used to climbing up to the third floor, where her room is. Still no word on when she'll be released but the good news is that she's doing better every day. I can't believe this all started a week ago, it has been a blur. Thanks again for the emails and texts everyone, we really appreciate it.


Caryn said...

So happy to hear your mom is making progress and doing better.

I love that Finn is out playing decked out in camo! :)

Shawna said...

That picture of Tess is gorgeous. Can't wait to meet these kids next month.

tisha_ts said...

These photos are amazingly cute! Finn is such a little worker. Be careful, the WR cousins may show him how to 'farm' the carpets next month :)

Glad to hear Bernadette is doing better.