
cell phone! cell phone!

The first 10 seconds of this video make me laugh so much.

The rest of it is sort of entertaining too, for those of you who haven't seen Finn in a while and are curious about his coordination (or lack thereof.)


tisha_ts said...

Bahahaha! I did greatly enjoy the nose dive into the chair, however, the first 'uh oh' had me rolling :) So cute.

Pokolodi said...

If you can't laugh at your own child's near death experience, what can you laugh at? I mean, really.

I love that you try to reason with him: "if you don't spin in circles,you won't fall." Um...I'm pretty sure one of the best parts about spinning in circles is the dizzy til you fall part.

Pokolodi said...

By the way, are you still putting that poor child in that play pen?

Sweet Red said...

Wait Mom, you said TO spin in circles, right. Oh, well he's as coordinated as Aunt How. I just hope he outgrows it, becuse I'm still waiting to outgrow it!