
early lessons in tools

Last night I was sitting on the couch with Finn reading his Richard Scarry "Busytown" book. Specifically, the Woodworkers page.

ME: Oh look, Finn - there's a hammer. And a saw.
FINN: Nails! Screwdriver.
ME: And this bunny is using this uh, flat thing to scrape ... (trailing off)
FINN (sigh): A trowel.
ME: Right. A trowel.

I'm glad he doesn't know how to roll his eyes yet.


tisha_ts said...

Um, that is awesome. I have never heard that word before and I grew up on a farm. Shame. Go smarty pants Finn!

s.cuda said...

Are you kidding? That is sooo cute! I don't even know what a trowel is!

Pokolodi said...

I swear Carson and I had this exact same conversation (but about various trucks) a thousand times from the time he was 1 year old on. Isn't amazing how small and stupid such little people can make you feel?