

Heather, 1976

Tess, 2010

This was too cute not to post. Courtesy of Papa:
Nico came to pick Finn up today and of course Tess was along for the ride. To use one of Finn’s newest words, Tess had a HUMONGOUS diaper that leaked; so she got cleaned up but needed some new clothes. No fear, Mary Ellen to the rescue – ‘I found some of Heather’s things the other day’. So here is Tess modeling an outfit that Grandma Barber bought for Heather back in 1976. And the funny part is I actually remember the outfit.


tisha_ts said...

So sweet. I have seen a lot of people doing this on purpose lately. Love how this was totally unplanned :)

Pokolodi said...

Well of course she can rock vintage. A true fashionista.