
Flying with two kids is not for the weak

We are delayed, on a plane, in Detroit. UGH.

Nico: Wow. 7 bucks for a cocktail. That's crazy!
Andrew: I know! Can I have 28 dollars?


Ann P said...

hoping you're not surrounded by humbugs who grunt at the mere sight of a child on a plane.

the baby pool has seemed empty without you!!

Pokolodi said...

I hope you guys survived!

When we flew in May, the plane only had 3 seats across (1 seat on the left, 2 on the right). The plan as for me and Raleigh to sit in the one seat and Andrei and Carson to sit on the other side. Ends up I had to sit with Carson and Raleigh because that's where the extra oxygen mask was. Andrei got his seat to himself...away from the kids. Not easy. Thank goodness for iphones and headphones. C watched cartoons the whole time.