
big girl

What's up? I'm just sitting here on the couch.
That's right. Sitting up.

All Finn wants to do is help keep Tess happy. He's a great big brother.


tisha_ts said...

I bet you can't stop gazing into those big, sweet, beautiful eyes of Tess'. She is getting so big, sitting up and all. And I LOVE how much Finn and Tess resemble each other!

Sonya said...

What a great helper Finn looks like he's being!! What a big girl Tess is for sitting up, yay for Tess! They grow up way too fast. Bryce man started walking with only one hand held last week and I shed a tear. My baby is no longer my baby but a big man in the house...

Pokolodi said...

What a good big brother! Doesn't that just melt the ol' heart?

You make beautiful babies, my friend. She looks as much like a doll as Finn did!