
Finn's 2nd Birthday!

Finn turned two last Saturday ... such a milestone. I swear he's already started talking and acting more like a little boy. It's bittersweet because although it's nice for him to outgrow some of his toddler behavior, it's hard to believe he"s growing so fast!

Anyway, we had a great day and here are some of my favorite photos.

Finn and Mimi took a walk in the meadow near Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jean's cabin after the memorial service for Aunt Ruth, which was actually a really lovely start to the day.

I was really excited about the dinner that Colleen made - YUM!
Finn was just waking up from his power nap.

Priceless expression upon finding his birthday balloons.

The Mayor.

He is still talking about his birthday cake (AND birthday cupcakes. Lucky guy.)

There was a cupcake on his tray, and then there wasn't.

Tess watches with interest.


He love love loves his drill. It's not a real drill, by the way.

Thanks to everyone who came to his party and helped us celebrate with cards, phone calls, etc! It was really a great celebration and has really upped the ante for next year ...


Mom of AOCG said...

Such wonderful pictures and such a great story! I was so fooled. I thought it was a real drill. ;-)

Tess is an absolutely beautiful, stunning, gorgeous little baby girl! I wish I could hold her!

Hooray for being two! :)

Aunt Sue xo

tisha_ts said...

Happy birthday Finn! Love the cake, love the mayor pose, and he looks SO tall in the one where you are holding him...crazy.

And yes, Sue is right, Tess is stunning. That dress is fabulous :)

Penelope said...

please tell me that you are going to have more. you make GORGEOUS children! Happy Birthday Finn.

Ann P said...

happy two!! such a milestone! hugo had just turned two when we began our search for a home in NH. how time just flies. so great to see all of your angels' growing up via the blog! i love the shot with mimi.