

Don't get me wrong. I think Halloween is fun. It just took me a few days to post this, because for a few days after, I was so freakin' sick of it a break was in store. After stressing about costumes for about 30 seconds, I found these hand-me-downs from Aunt Sue and the girls, breathed a sigh of relief and ... without further ado:

The dragon - or dinosaur!

The Ladybug!

Finn loved answering the door and telling all of the kids "Happy Halloween!" Andrew and Heather took him around our block to say hi to our neighbors but he was only allowed one piece of candy because we are horrible people.

This is the best we could do with both of them. Here's hoping we have a little better luck getting them to pose for a holiday card!


Penelope said...

Please! Slay me now - they look totally adorable. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Mom of AOCG said...

Ahh! I'm so glad you were able to use those! My Mom bought the dragon/dinosaur costume after Halloween at a Cracker Barrel in 2001 or 2002. It was at the beginning of the Wiggles craze so I bought some yellow fabric and sewed on some polka dots until I got bored of sewing. :) It was such a soft costume! I kept it in our dress-up drawer so any boys who came over and wanted to play dress-up had some options besides Princess clothes. :) And one week old baby Gigi was the ladybug last year!

I can never decide who is the more horrible parent. The one who limits candy or the ones like us who just let them have whatever they want? It's a toss-up! :) xoxo

tisha_ts said...

Oh my, they are so fantastically adorable, I can't hardly stand it!!!! I always look forward to your holiday card, and especially now with your TWO cuties. No pressure ;)