

Our extremely well-considered decision (ha) to have two children so close in age is paying off as they get older and more aware of each other. It's a lot fun watching them interact now - Finn is so sweet to his baby sister and Tess thinks that he's the funniest person in the world. She really can't get enough of his antics and is always trying to hug him. I took these photos a few days ago before school when Finn asked to hold her and she was so happy.

Finn's current bedtime ritual is to "fold out the sofa like a bed and watch Beethoven/Beethoven/Buddy the Elk (aka Elf)" and that's what we're doing right now, after the closest day to sleeping perfection that parents of a toddler and infant could ask for. Let's hope it continues...

So lovable.


Auntie Ann said...

Oh my goodness, Nico, you are so blessed. I am sure the love they have for each other will grow and they will work together to challenge you and Andy...I bet that if they continue to hold their heads together you might have your own sleepless nights wondering what they are up to...just guessing!!!!

tisha_ts said...

SO stinkin' sweet! They are such dolls :)

Mom of AOCG said...

Love that last one best! She's already posing for the camera. It just screams "Aren't I adorable?" :)

Pokolodi said...


Sonya said...

Love those gingers and their beautiful little faces, Muah! Sibling closeness is best, enjoy!