
sick days

happy times

halloween lips

The past few days have been long, to say the least. And did I mention awful? On the plus side, Tess had her 6-month checkup last Thursday and everything was fine except for her screaming in terror from start to finish (stats: 50th pct weight, height, 95th pct head). Then, literally moments after I last posted on this very blog hoping - not bragging, just hoping - for another good night of sleep, my luck ran out. Finn was up coughing, Tess was up - inconsolable. This went on for 3 nights before we took them to the pediatrician yesterday and came to the conclusion that Finn has seasonal allergies (so glad that's all it is, and the kids claritin is helping already) and Tess has a minor ear infection. She started antibiotics and they are already helping too, but of course she can't drink any alcohol for 10 days, haha.

This morning Tess was in her crib waking up from a nap and over the monitor, I heard Finn go in and say, "Hi, Tess, hi. I'm Elmo! Ok, I'll turn on your fan now." The things he says to her crack me up.


Pokolodi said...

Am I the only person who says Tess looks just like your mom? Because if I am, everyone else needs glasses. She looks just like your mom.

Ugh. Sick kids are the worse; especially those babies. It's just heart-breaking. I hope everyone is feeling better soon! Tell Tess we'll get together for a drink once she's off those antibiotics--and tell Finn he should really cut back to a pack a day while he has that cough.

Penelope said...

Here's what I don't get. Seasonal allergies? What season? It's already frosted. Yet, we are suffering too. I don't get. Feel better soon.

Mom of AOCG said...

That's too bad about the alcohol. ;-) Hope they are feeling 100% (and you too!) soon!!!!!!