
three monkeys

After giving Tess a bath, I just walked into the tv room and found Finn sitting in front of my computer, saying "I'm trying to get online." He was looking for the 10-minute youtube video of garbage trucks that we watch every day and frankly I'm surprised that he didn't find it. As I'm not looking to encourage my toddler to use my macbook unsupervised, I decided to distract him by posting here ...

SOOO, we have many cute Thanksgiving photos that I'm still going through, and here's one of my favorite photos of Enzo, Finn and Massi from their bath on Friday night. Their expressions betray the energy required to play for 72 straight hours. More to come tomorrow if all goes well!


Next up turkey

Tess is practicing for tomorrow with a piece of bread. She has the squash down thanks to her 2 teeth (almost 3). Such a good eater our little almost-7-month old is!! PS yes this onesie is a hand me down from Finn.

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sick days

happy times

halloween lips

The past few days have been long, to say the least. And did I mention awful? On the plus side, Tess had her 6-month checkup last Thursday and everything was fine except for her screaming in terror from start to finish (stats: 50th pct weight, height, 95th pct head). Then, literally moments after I last posted on this very blog hoping - not bragging, just hoping - for another good night of sleep, my luck ran out. Finn was up coughing, Tess was up - inconsolable. This went on for 3 nights before we took them to the pediatrician yesterday and came to the conclusion that Finn has seasonal allergies (so glad that's all it is, and the kids claritin is helping already) and Tess has a minor ear infection. She started antibiotics and they are already helping too, but of course she can't drink any alcohol for 10 days, haha.

This morning Tess was in her crib waking up from a nap and over the monitor, I heard Finn go in and say, "Hi, Tess, hi. I'm Elmo! Ok, I'll turn on your fan now." The things he says to her crack me up.



Our extremely well-considered decision (ha) to have two children so close in age is paying off as they get older and more aware of each other. It's a lot fun watching them interact now - Finn is so sweet to his baby sister and Tess thinks that he's the funniest person in the world. She really can't get enough of his antics and is always trying to hug him. I took these photos a few days ago before school when Finn asked to hold her and she was so happy.

Finn's current bedtime ritual is to "fold out the sofa like a bed and watch Beethoven/Beethoven/Buddy the Elk (aka Elf)" and that's what we're doing right now, after the closest day to sleeping perfection that parents of a toddler and infant could ask for. Let's hope it continues...

So lovable.



Don't get me wrong. I think Halloween is fun. It just took me a few days to post this, because for a few days after, I was so freakin' sick of it a break was in store. After stressing about costumes for about 30 seconds, I found these hand-me-downs from Aunt Sue and the girls, breathed a sigh of relief and ... without further ado:

The dragon - or dinosaur!

The Ladybug!

Finn loved answering the door and telling all of the kids "Happy Halloween!" Andrew and Heather took him around our block to say hi to our neighbors but he was only allowed one piece of candy because we are horrible people.

This is the best we could do with both of them. Here's hoping we have a little better luck getting them to pose for a holiday card!


who has time for a nap?

Not me! I'm busy gnawing with my two new bottom teeth.
(...at the ripe young age of 6 months, 4 months earlier than my brother...)


all the way from san francisco!

My best girl Sara was here visiting last week and meeting Finn and Tess - the last time we saw each other was when I visited her in CA when 5 months pregnant with Finn! We had a great couple of days and hope that she comes back to visit at least once a year (ie., holidays, bring your mom, etc).

Tess on her best behavior during our wine tasting trip.

Sara, Tess, cornucopia, me at Castle Grisch.

Andrew and I celebrated our third anniversary on October 20!