
big boy bath

Well, it's official. Finn has outgrown the sink. Although it's bittersweet to know that he's growing so fast that he can no longer take his bath in the comfort of his first informal bathtub, his first time in the REAL bathtub was pretty damn cute. Don't you agree?

ps. Check out his little waving hand.


Penelope said...

OMG - that's a big step! Congrats. Are you back in New Haven?

Pokolodi said...

Would it be okay with you if I took Finn on as my client? I was trying to push my own child into international baby model stardom (let's face it, he' going to have to pay his own way through college somehow...since it will cost about $500k once he gets there),but sadly, Carson's screaming and crying in reaction to camera flashes soon squashed my hopes and dreams. Finn, on the other hand, seems destined for stardom. Whadaya say? Shall I make a call to Baby Elite?

Pokolodi said...

I love the strategically placed wash cloth. God forbid you hinder his future political career by putting his weenis on the web for all the world to see.