
kate's wedding

We took our first trip with Finn this weekend, to Princeton, NJ for the wedding of Andrew's cousin Kate to her awesome now-husband Chris. It was so beautiful! The bride, the ceremony and the weather were all gorgeous. (I was also happy for a reason to wear a dress and put on makeup.) Thankfully Finn slept for most of the car ride from New Haven and most of the wedding. On Sunday we drove to Waverly, NY to Grandma and Grandpa's house, and he slept for most of that trip too. Looks like we may have a good traveler on our hands, as long as he's fed to the gills ahead of time...


Penelope said...

You look gorgeous and what a great leap back out into the world. Congrats to all!

Pokolodi said...

Three things:

1)Okay, tell the truth. How many people said "I can't believe you just had a baby! You look amazing!" If they didn't, they were either blind, stupid, or totally intimidated by your hotness. You're one hot mama, Mama!

2)I'm glad Carson's little bubble outfit didn't fit Finn because he would have frozen his little tushy off! I'm sure everyone was just ooing and ahhing over the little peanut.

3)I love Andrew's tie. Gorgeous color combination. Love it.

There! Something for all three of you!

We miss you!