Phew! Who knew that we would be away from home for eight days?! It's probably a good thing we didn't know ahead of time how long we'd be gone, as we'd have just packed more and our car would not have held one more weather-inappropriate sweater. So anyway, after leaving Waverly on Saturday we headed to New York City to say goodbye to our friends Kelley and Adam, who are soon moving to Portland. Although it is sad to see them go, we are happy to have another reason to visit Oregon in 2009! (Mmm, pinot.)
On Saturday evening, we met up with some friends at the Gate ... although it was weird to be "those people bringing their baby to the bar", I have to say that Finn was a very good sport. He managed to entertain the crowd for a spell before napping and presumably trying to forget where he was.
Our next and final stop was to Bussaco, a new restaurant where Kelley helps with PR (she's awesome). It was delicious ... but Finn didn't care. He was DONE and let us know as soon as the appetizers arrived. No matter - we were tired anyway and can't keep up like we used to. Finn was entertained by Brooklyn but we could tell that he was ready for his own crib. Or maybe I'm just projecting. We miss our friends soooo much but it is always nice to come home...
explain to Finn the importance of delicious brunch. Although he eyed our eggs with interest, he ended up sticking with milk.
sniff sniff
I hope you gave Brooklyn a kiss from us. It's been so long, she's probably completely forgotten us.
Aw the Gate! Looks fun - it's so hard leaving NYC, isn't it?
wish we could've been there!
Sorry we missed you. The sad irony is that we were in Connecticut!
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