
My Original Bad Doctor Predicted Aug. 3...

In response to several queries, I promise to post before leaving for the hospital so that you know what's going on. I didn't realize before getting pregnant that those rushing-to-the-hospital scenes in movies don't happen in real life and I'll probably have a good 10-12 hours of sitting on my exercise ball at home (drinking vodka. just kidding.) before we have to head out, when that day magically arrives. I had an almost completely sleepless night from shifting the little bowling ball on my stomach around yet I feel surprisingly alert, so perhaps today is the day? After yesterday's lethargy am feeling quite great, actually. I like the sound of August 4. Early August 4. What do you all think?

If he hasn't shown up by tomorrow, I have a morning dr's appointment where we'll talk to her about a plan for getting him out this week. Looks like those of you who chose "week of 8/3" on the quiz are the winners...


Pokolodi said...

I thought for sure you went in last night. Sigh...with the drop in barometric pressure, the recent new moon AND the crazy dreams I had last night where Carson was a tiny baby and I couldn't find him. I was riding all over some Caribbean island on the back of a moped, which my mother was driving, searching for him. I think I must have been having sympathy pregnancy dreams. I've also had a terrible stomach ache for 2 days...sympathy contractions maybe?

s.cuda said...
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s.cuda said...

Even I am having baby dreams and that is weird considering I haven't had sex since what seems like 2005. Hmmm. Come out little baby! I want to be there!