

The doctor had only good news except for the fact that Peanut continues to enjoy his current digs and doesn't seem too hurried; however, we are making some progress. The sonogram looked great except for the fact that he might be NINE POUNDS (give or take, so hopefully he's really only 8 something...) Also, he was sucking his thumb. So cute. For anyone who cares about the numbers, I'm now 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated and had a contraction while on the monitor, which is good since a week ago there was nada.

I sincerely apologize if this blog is starting to sound a little over-share-y.

Can you imagine if he really DOES come on Friday, 08/08/08?! Little Olympus Augustus Octavian? All of the pregnant celebrities would be so jealous!

1 comment:

Pokolodi said...

Lil' Olympus! He'll come before then. My bet is you'll be in labor within the next 2 days.
And don't be too afraid of the 9 lb thing. Two days before I went into labor with Carson, they estimated over 9 1/2 lbs via sonogram, but he was only 8 1/2. And if he is 9 lbs, that just means he'll be super healthy (bigger babies are said to be better sleepers too!) and you'll be back in your pre-preg jeans in no time!