
Overcast Saturday

First of all, thanks to all of you for the calls and emails telling me not to get discouraged and to try and enjoy these last few days of peace and quiet ... even though they may be tinged with anxiety, it is nice to have the luxury of sleeping when I need to and finishing Season 2 of the Wire in relative serenity. I really do appreciate the advice, and if I haven't returned your calls or emails, I promise to do so soon! Thanks again!

This photo of a handsome soccer player is your reward. He's from Spain.

Many of you may know the name that Andrew and I have tentatively picked out for the Peanut, although the final form hasn't been determined yet we are set on the nickname. Unless he pops out looking nothing like that name. Well. My mother keeps calling and weighing in with several names that she'd like us to name him. Like, her father's name. Or an important biblical figure. I think she won't be happy unless we name him whatever the translation is for "born-again christian baby." Yesterday she said, "why don't you name him Thaddeus? I like Thaddeus. It means [whatever - insert biblical meaning here]." And I said, "Thaddeus is a great name. Clelie and Patrick's boys are Thaddeus and Finnegan, you know. But that's not his name." [Hint: Finnegan being awfully close to the name that we are considering.] Then I could practically see her scrunching her face into a scowl as she said, FINNEGAN SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING THAT JULIA ROBERTS WOULD NAME HER BABY. And I replied, "And that's why we're not telling you his name until the ink is dry." And ... scene.

Can't wait til she arrives on August 12. At the very least she will provide extensive fodder for the blog!

Ps. This soap star actually named his son Peanut - LEGALLY! - because that's what he and his wife started calling him in utero and "it just stuck"! Yet another example of people who should not have been allowed to procreate.

We explained to our Peanut that this isn't going to happen to him.

1 comment:

Pokolodi said...

I have a few things to add:
1) People thought we were going to name Carson "Pokolodi" or "Poki" because that's what we called him in the womb. It has only stuck in the blog world, but I actually get hate (e)mail from people who come across the blog or see his videos on youtube and think that I have cursed him with that name. I blame the soap star and people like Rachel Griffiths (son is Banjo) for these people actually believing someone would do that to her own child. Sigh...
2) I love his name. Love it, love it, love it.
3) It is every mother's job to weigh in (negatively) on her grandchild's name. When I mentioned "Atticus" to my mom, she immediately contacted every man she has ever know in her life to see what they thought of the name, then promptly called me back to suggest (for the gagillionth time) "Bill." Sometimes I wonder if I didn't name him "Carson Atticus" out of spite.