
One Baby in a Sleep Sack, Please

The temperature was in the 60s yesterday morning so we put Finn in a sleep sack. He was skeptical at first, but in no time grew to love it. We've been watching a lot of the Olympics so think maybe he was trying to do the pledge of allegiance in this photo.


Pokolodi said...

Ugh! How can you resist gobbling that little thing up???

I cannot wait to spend some more time with him...and this time when he doesn't have his first explosive diaper...and hopefully not his second either. That was some serious bad timing! Next time he will love me--I'm certain of it!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! have you tried the Halo sleepsack swaddle? we used it and just loved it and the design was SOOOOO easy to use. The swaddle wings come off and they have lots of sizes and tons of cute prints - we can't live without them! Have fun!