
It's now August 1

... and there's no news to report. What if I'm pregnant for like, another whole week? It seems interminable at this point. Ugh.


Pokolodi said...

Ugh. I'm so sick of you being pregnant. I mean, I know that you really like being all hot and over-stuffed and everything--I know you especially enjoy getting up 80 times a night to pee and having to sleep upright because your stomach is above your collar bone and if you lie down, stomach acid sloshes back into your throat, but think of the rest of us. Just have that baby already! I'm ready to meet the little man!

Anonymous said...

I've decided that you're not really pregnant and that you've made the whole thing up. I mean I've asked for pictures and you're now refusing. Now 5 days past due?It seems a bit fishy indeed.

Fleur said...

Poki, I'm willing him to come. I really am!!!!! Maybe today is the day for the hike up to East Rock!!

And you, anonymous. I know who you are. I'll think about sending you a photo, but you'll be sorry if I do!