
"Signs of Early Labor"? Or more Fakers?

This morning for what seems like the 10th time, I dug out my childbirth manual to read about early labor vs fake contractions in an attempt to discern what's going on in my body. I still don't know. No idea! This book says that "bland foods and drinks such as plain toast and water" taste good during early labor. Well. I'm craving leftover lasagna, blueberry pie and the largest latte that money can buy, so am not convinced that this is it, but i'm not going too far from home just in case.


Pokolodi said...

BS! Who ever craves plain toast and water?? I think I ate steak the night before my water broke--and I know I ate about 3 lunches after my water broke--and I assure you, none of them consisted of plain toast and water.

(By the way, I totally turned into Homer Simpson when you listed your cravings. Mmmmmmmmmmmm...lasagnaaaaa...)

Prajmetal said...

Dude, its really weird that pregnant people crave weird stuff. . I myself am craving a smothered burrito and nachos right now at 10:25am, very normal.