
eating like a big boy

A few weeks ago I bought Finn a booster seat because it was simply way too easy for him to stand up in his high chair, even when strapped in. He LOVES his big boy seat. And for the most part he's still a really good eater and uses utensils well. Usually. I'm not sure if you can see the extent to which this yogurt is all over his face, but it was a rare moment when he was a total mess at the table, so we took lots of photos.

(I'm fairly certain that either immediately before or after this photo, the words "Mommy, mess!" and "Wash hands in sink!" were declared.)

1 comment:

tisha_ts said...

What a big boy! So cute. Are you using the SLR now? I feel like the clarity of this photo says yes. Love those bright blue eyes of Mr. Finn.