
work at the barn

Finn takes his time helping Papa at the barn very seriously.

Displaying his proprietary "carrying rock on mallet" technique.

It is important to only choose the most perfect and appropriate rocks.

Aha! A perfect rock. Score.

So although these photos were taken a few days ago, Finn visited his grandparents again today and as usual enjoyed the heck out of being outside. Tess was a little bit more of a handful, seeing as how she's taking after her brother at this age by choosing to eat all day, stay awake and fuss a bit then sleep pretty well at night. Ok, so the nights aren't bad but a baby that doesn't nap makes for a VERY LONG day. I took her to the pediatrician after a particularly long crying spell and the Dr. gave me some suggestions on feeding and swaddling that we put to use right away ... one good swaddle and she's now been sleeping for two and a half hours.

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