
farm visit

Today we all went to the PeaceWeaver organic farm (in nearby Bath) to see where our CSA vegetables will be coming from in just a couple of weeks - YAY! I cannot wait to start picking up our box every week. The folks who run the farm are super nice and gave us a quick tour involving a tractor (!) and a plow (!!) and a lake (!!!)

Yesterday was Tess's one-month checkup and she's doing great. She and Finn are actually very similar on a percentile basis. She has grown two inches since birth and is now 21.5", 9 lbs 7 oz - both the 50th pct. Her head circumference is in the 80th pct. Her tummy is definitely filling out and she's losing her newborn puffiness, it's sort of miraculous how she changes even from day to day.


Yesss! A tractor! I'm touching it!

Tess also liked the farm.

Taking a dip in the pond.

1 comment:

Auntie Ann said...

Well, it looks like Finn is ready for a walk in the pond at PaPa and MeMe's on Monday!!! Can't wait to see it!!!