
abcs and 123s

Aunt Heather (Finn's version is "Aunt How" so we need to work on those "th" sounds) took these pics a couple of days ago when he discovered that his grandparents' fireplace has a magnetic surface around the edges. Perfect for displaying his fridge magnets and showing off! She said that, as usual, he was moving around so quickly it was impossible to take clear photos, but I love how these turned out. He now knows all of his letters and most of his numbers up to 9. The letter O and the number 8 are his favorites.

He'll also sing the ABC song, but only up to ABC and then he does "ba ba ba ba" for the remainder. I have to say that his voice is pretty darn good, and as he can even hold a tune I'll have to get the video camera out and stealthily film him.

We went to my 39-week checkup this morning and confirmed my suspicions that we still have a little ways to go with Finn's baby sister. Her head is in the right place but hasn't descended yet to the point where the midwife couldn't easily move her around. I've begun to efface but haven't dilated at all. With second babies this process can go much more quickly than with the first - that's the good news - but I still have another appointment for next Monday that I suspect we'll make. Sigh. Waiting around when it's hard to move and clothes are uncomfortable is absolutely no fun!


Pokolodi said...

Boo for waiting for baby girl, but yay for super smart Finn! I take full credit for his ability to hold a tune. When he wins a Grammy for singing his ABCs, I want him to mention his first music teacher in his speech, okay?

Cheeky Baby said...

What a smarty pants. Seriously. Scarlett is almost 3 and she could care less about letters. Ask her who Cinderella's second cousin twice removed is though, and she'll nail it.
And yeah. I went into labor with Holden at 2am and he was born at 5:30am. There was no prenoted effacing or dilating or nothin'. He just wanted out immediately. Be prepared for the unexpected. Just saying.

Amy & Colin said...

Lucy's favorite letter is O too! Maybe we should put them on the phone and they can just say O O O back and forth. Miss you guys!!