
"cacktor, dump, wheeeeel!"

Baby watch: I thought yesterday might have been the day. Got up early, finished packing my bag, took a shower, went for a quick blow-out and mani/pedi and facial (ok, just kidding about that last part), and sent Finn off for a night in Waverly. All day we monitored my contractions, which came and went, and then Andrew and I ran a few errands, and then we came home and went to bed and this morning ... NOTHING! Aargh. So frustrating. I'm trying hard to be patient and know that she'll come when she's ready but the waiting in these final days is so trying - the best I can do is to update this blog daily and let you know what's going on.

Meanwhile, Finn is having a great time with Papa and Mimi and Aunt Heather as usual, since they have so much Cool Stuff for Boys at their house. He is completely obsessed with Papa's tractor and dump truck, as you can see here, and one of his new words is WHEEL as in steering wheel, which is the coolest invention ever made.

On the tractor aka "cacktor" a couple of weeks ago.
Before it got hot, and then cool again...

Walking with Papa to see his favorite things in life, big trucks.

Loving his radio flyer.

1 comment:

Auntie Ann said...

I don't know what it is but a picture of a little one with his grandpa...papa...granddad...walkinghand in hand touches my heart. I took a picture of my nephew before he was two walking with my father (6'4") into the sunset in a campground in Rapid City, North Dakota and it is one of my favorte pictures ever. I guess the walk into the sunset or a walk into a "bathroom" full of trucks and boy toys can have the same affect on me...love it.