
where's my damn wine? I mean - saturday update.

Finn running toward Seneca Lake on Thursday.

It looks like our May-like weather is taking a break but we've been VERY spoiled so the next couple of crummy days will be tolerable. Finn just left with his grandparents for an overnight so I now have a chance to catch up on blog posts... he's been extra adorable lately. I swear he knows that something is up.

I'm feeling ok again; it feels like the baby is continuing to descend. It helps to be active, which I tried to do today without obsessing about when we'll be heading to the hospital for real. Yesterday the nurses at Arnot did some fetal monitoring and my midwife checked me out too, which is how they came to the conclusion that I wasn't in labor. I felt pretty awesome walking back out the front door past the little old dude who had helped me with bags an hour before. Ha! Anyway, the nurses there are so competent that we know we'll be in good hands when the big day finally arrives.

1 comment:

Penelope said...

Just want you to know that we are thinking of you and awaiting news. Sending good thoughts for your big day....