
balance beam

Tuesday mornings at gymnastics are really one of the highlights of Finn's week. At first he sort of held back but now he's the first one to run and find a seat as soon as the teachers say "go!" It's very cute and also great for him to run around and get tired. Tuesday is always a good nap day.

Note how the other kids are sitting down, whereas Finn likes to do his own thing.

After his dismount from a complicated routine on the rings.
(And pay no attention to the person standing next to him.)

This is part of his balance beam routine. Also very complex.

If you're wondering how I'm feeling, the answer is large and in the mood for ice cream. So my nice husband is going to take me to this place a couple of miles away that just opened for the season - who knows, maybe it will be our last date for a couple of weeks. Or maybe not. I've felt ok the past couple of days, sleeping fine, just trying to enjoy these sunny days with Finn since after the baby arrives it will be a little bit chaotic. I'm finding that adopting a more laid-back attitude is really helping the days to go by a little faster.

See, universe? See how zen I am?

1 comment:

Pokolodi said...

I love how the woman behind you is wearing a turtleneck and you're wearing a tank top. Feeling a bit warm these days? :)

You look great! Much better than I did! Even my nose got big.